
Communication and Cake


How happy employees help the state of your business (This is a relevant repost from 2016. As many embark on new professional journeys or…

Stay in Your Lane


If you have read this blog ever – literally any blog post here – you have seen me lament on about the frustrations of…

How To Be a Great Patient


While I sit in the hospital alongside my father who is recovering from surgery, I’m reminded just how many people are responsible for your…

Beauty Bashing


Why do people care so much what other people do? Last week alone three people told me I “really should be home spending time…



Penis. The Penis Facial. That is what the media, news, magazines, blogs, etc are talking about. Apparently Sandy (as in Bullock) coined her fave…

I’m Back!


After a bit of silence on my end I am back in full force. My apologies for being a bit inconsistent. I guess I…