Beauty Bashing

Why do people care so much what other people do?

Last week alone three people told me I “really should be home spending time with your baby since he‘s SO young”. Now the extent of weekly time alone from my kid is work, a few workouts, maybe a solo dinner with my husband – if we are lucky. Not that it is anyone’s business what I do. I have never in my life told a new mom that they really should go back to work or book a happy hour or get to the gym – because it is 100% none of my business.

Which is why this story pisses me off.

A self-proclaimed beat poet went on a Facebook rant, first chastising women who get “flesh from their ass put in their face” and “silicone sewed to their chest” saying she’s sick of all women looking the same. She then says she’s sorry to the same women she basically made fun of, apologizing for the world we live in making them feel as though they would be more valuable if they were a certain kind of pretty. I don’t get it. Diss women therefore making them feel down on themselves and then apologize for other people making them feel down on themselves.

The majority of replies on the post are women saying they have had plastic surgery for skin cancer and breast reconstruction or Botox for migraines. To me those are completely separate scenarios and require zero explanation. They should not even be a part of the argument. The argument should be “mind your business” and that’s that.

One quote really stuck out to me.

“I’m sorry we live in a world where you believe the most important thing you can be is pretty.” Not wanting crow’s feet is not synonymous with airhead who thinks that her ass is all that makes her valuable. These kind of statements are what make women whose confidence may benefit from a breast lift or some filler hesitant for fear of being judged.

We have heard this all before. Someone gets their 15 minutes saying how awful plastic surgery is and how women are brainwashed and how we do it for men. Blah, blah, blah. I’m bored.

On the internet, where you can have an opinion on so many things, why have an opinion on what someone else does to their body? Get over yourself, chick, and get a hobby.


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1 Comment

  • I couldn’t agree more! There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself! Confidence, health, and success are some of the best things for our families!

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