Boss Babes of Beauty Savant: Vera

This Boss Babe and I met when she came to the gym one day with her boyfriend who I have trained with at a few different kickboxing gyms. He is a cool guy – nice, tall, handsome – so I assumed he would have a babe of a girlfriend. Add then I met her and realized, not only was she a babe, she was smart AND cool (these kind of girls do exist, people – just read through the Boss Babe archives). Naturally we do what people do and follow each other on Instagram which turns into sending each other random medical facts, stats and photos as she is a nursing student. Virtual Friendships are so 2018!

I asked her to participate as a Boss Babe because she is doing it all and doing it well. What do I mean? Scroll through and check out her About Me. This is one busy Boss Babe.

  • Name:
    • Vera-Lucia Burns
  • Occupation:
    • Student
  • Beauty Philosophy:
    • Natural is better
  • Best Beauty Advice received and from whom:
    • Invest a moisturizer and eye cream! My mother told me that from a very young age. I neglected her advice until I turned 22
  • Skincare Routine:
    • I moisturize every morning before I leave the house. I try to use sunscreen as much as I can, especially because I am out in the sun so much. I try not too wear too much makeup, but even if I don’t, I clean my face thoroughly each night. I use a scrub about three times a week, and try to do a natural face mask at least once a week (this is not always the case).
  • Top 3 Desert Island Beauty Essentials:
    • Sunscreen moisturizer, lip gloss, waterproof mascara.
  • When do YOU feel most beautiful:
    • I feel the most beautiful during an intense workout, believe it or not. I truly feel free.
  • Fave Style Trend:
    • Artsy/casual fashion style. I love incorporating some color, but I generally stick to neutral colors. I love my wardrobe to have mostly black outfits, with a mix of dark red, grey, and beige.
  • Girl Glamazon/Style Crush:
    • Victoria Beckham! She’s amazing.

Tell me a little about YOU! 

I am Peruvian. I came when I was 8 from Lima, Peru. English is my second language, and sometimes I have an accent with some words. I am currently in the second to last semester of an accelerated nursing program, I am so excited to finish. I’ve wanted to be in the medical field since fifth grade, when a heart surgeon came to my class and explained how the heart worked. I was mesmerized, and my passion has only augmented since then.

Exercising is also dear to my heart, I usually workout 4-5 times a week due to my busy schedule. I intern at a Broward hospital twice a week (MondayFriday), go to school TuesdayThursday, and I serve at the best restaurant (shoutout to Kitchen in WPB, FL) twice a week. When I am on a regular regimen, I like to workout 5-6 times, but my schedule prevents that. I competed in an NPC bikini competition this past August, and I am hoping to compete again once school ends.

Even though my schedule is jam packed, I still try to enjoy my one day off a week, Sundays. On Sundays, my boyfriend and I either adventure or have a lazy day, it depends on how we feel (I try to study a little, too). I look forward the most to Sundays especially because during the evenings, we go to our favorite restaurant, Lemongrass Hot Pot (highly recommend).

Nursing is hard, but with the right time management, you can try to enjoy the journey.

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