

The Penis Facial. That is what the media, news, magazines, blogs, etc are talking about.

Apparently Sandy (as in Bullock) coined her fave facial by  Georgia Louise Atelier in New York the Penis Facial. Why? Because “’it smells a bit like sperm — there’s some enzyme in it”. Cate (Blanchett) just casually dropped this fab knowledge bomb during her interview with Vogue Australia.

Based on this description I am 99.9% sure that Sandy, Cate and I would be best friends and go for cocktails and play dates and Penis Facials together.

You are wondering. I know you are. Aren’t you? Of course you are. You and literally millions of other people (just check out Twitter). WTF is a Penis Facial?

At her NYC Spa, Georgia Louise offers a $650 Hollywood EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) Facial. Not quite as catchy as Penis Facial. The magic ingredient, EGF, is derived from newborn baby foreskin. So it actually IS a Penis Facial. But before you imagine a creepy Doctor collecting discarded tissue at random, the actuality is that this serum is created using only CLONED cells.  After being collected and donated during circumcision, a centrifuge is used to harvest and extract the stem cells and then cloned. The fetal foreskin is from the world’s largest stem cell bank in Korea.

The treatment is more than just some serum. A cleanse, TCA peel, micro-needling and an electro-current powered mask are all topped off with Louise’s special sauce, her EGF. The peel, and micro-needling allow the EGF to deeply penetrate the skin for a long lasting glow.

I have written about nipple surgery, Oak Galls and more but the Penis Facial is one thing I may try myself. Cate, Sandy – call me.

Are there any wild skincare treatments you have heard of?

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