Boss Babes of Beauty Savant: Ali

I met this spunky, sporty Boss Babe about five years ago at a CrossFit gym. She was bubbly, bright, fun and could outlift 95% of the guys in the gym – with perfect skin and mascara on.

Meet Ali.



When we met she was dating a really nice guy, marketing a health food company and enjoying life and La Croix – seriously, she’s obsessed with La Croix. I mean how cute are these wedding rompers that resemble pamplemousse.



Fast forward a few years and she’s married to the man of her dreams, with whom she co-founded Rad.Nutrition, an all natural, clean brand focused on pre and post workout nutrition. Their raspberry pre workout is the only one I will take. And it’s now available on Amazon! I’m a fan of beauty but also health. What we put IN our body affects how we look on the OUTSIDE and Ali’s brand stands behind that 100%.

I wanted to include Ali in Boss Babes of Beauty Savant because I’ve watched her take her career to new levels, literally becoming the boss babe, while simultaneously creating an awesome life for she and her husband. Also I am totally into her love of JT, puppies and, have we mentioned La Croix?

Check her out!

  • Name:
    • Ali Maiorana-Deauville
  • Occupation:
    • Marketer and Business Owner
  • Beauty Philosophy:
    • Keep it simple and as natural as possible!
  • Best Beauty Advice received and from whom:
    • I think it was probably from my mom but I’m neurotic about never falling asleep with makeup on. Even after a night out, I always go to sleep with a clean face.
  • Skincare Routine: 
    • I use Acure Sensitive face wash in the AM and PM. I’m a big fan of SW basics and use their cream and toner daily. When I need to exfoliate I use their sugar scrub.
  • Signature Fragrance:
    • Miss Dior
  • Fave mascara or lip product:
    • L’oreal Extra Volume Collagen (I was once told by an ophthalmologist to buy cheap and often for eye makeup.)
  • Top 3 Desert Island Beauty Essentials:
    • SW Basics cream, Tarte Cosmetics amazonian clay foundation and L’Oreal mascara
  • When do YOU feel most beautiful:
    • I know sun isn’t the best for my skin (shoot me) but I feel my best when I have a tiny bit of tan on my face and mascara. Simple and effective!
  • Fave Style Trend:
    • I’m loving that off the shoulder tops have made a total comeback from a few years ago!
  • Girl Glamazon/Style Crush:
    • I have a few but I’d say my top two are Chrissy Teigen and Reese Witherspoon.

Tell me a little about YOU! 

I’m a 20-something that is passionate about health and fitness. I’ve been a crossfitter for over 6 years and have worked in the natural health industry for the past 4 1/2 years as a marketer and most recently a business owner.

Interested in Rad.Nutrition? 

Rad. Nutrition is a sports nutrition brand with a focus on pre and post workout nutrition. Rad. supports a culture around all types of fitness and every type of athlete. We believe everyone should have access to clean, functional and natural sports nutrition that improves performance and well-being. Rad. bridges the gap between whole foods and supplemental nutrition because balance is key to a healthy lifestyle. We will never use artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors or proprietary blends. We go the extra mile (literally and figuratively) to ensure product integrity and quality is of the highest stature. From the sourcing of our ingredients to the manufacturing process, storage and distribution, we push beyond the status quo.
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1 Comment

  • So proud of this woman Ali has become ! Always determined & strong willed started that way as a child , so glad it has continued through her life path, but with all that determination is also a caring & nurturing human being as well. This Boss Babe is awesome so proud to be a part of her life.

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