Oh…no…just, no…

I apologize in advance but as you may have seen the Beauty Savant tagline states “Always current, sometimes controversial.”

Tonight we are both current AND controversial as we cover two things I was hoping to go my entire life without hearing in the same sentence. Wasps and vaginas. What?! I know…keep reading.

An Etsy retailer is selling something called Oak Galls – also known as manjakani –  while referencing the South East Asia claim that, when inserted or ground up and applied, can improve sex life and heal injuries.

What is a manjakani you ask? It’s an abnormal tree growth that forms when a wasp(!!!) buries its larvae in a tree branch. Said tree branch finds wasp larvae annoying and forms a hard shell to protect itself, henceforth trapping in that larvae. Larvae eat through said shell and there you have it – a wasp’s nest.

Hold up. What?

If you really take a look back on the women in India, China and the Middle East that practiced with these ground up galls for centuries, the original purpose was as an antibacterial agent as it was common to develop postpartum infections. You know, when we didn’t have cultures to test for infections or actual antibiotics.

The modern day retailers seem to be focusing on more of a “use this for a tighter vag” approach. While some studies do suggest a possible antibacterial property to these oak galls, the risk outweighs the benefits here as they can actually trigger a painful infection and there is no indication of any tightening. Also, they act as wildly intense astringents which in turn lead to a super dry vagina. And, I mean, what fun is that really?

Another online retailer of these vaginal burn balls claims that they can prevent cervical cancer and suggests grinding them up into a paste to help heal post-episiotomy. They do warn that this will definitely hurt and cause pain.

Aaaand, I’m speechless. It’s a good thing my absolute favorite funny Doc, Dr. Jen Gunter, a Canadian Ob-Gyn puts this feeling perfectly into words on her blog (which you must follow) : “Here’s a pro-tip, if something burns when you apply it to the vagina it is generally bad for the vagina”.

Thank you, Dr. G. And all was tight, I mean, right, with the world.



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