Boss Babes of Beauty Savant: Andrea

Social media is a funny thing. It is quite likely how you ended up here reading these rather odd and, hopefully, entertaining blog posts.

It is also how I first met Andrea Smith. Picture the cool chick that everyone actually likes. The one who is somehow smart, hot and terribly funny in a totally relatable girl-way. The best way to describe Andrea is a best friend you have yet to meet. Because she gets you. Her social posts are basically your life.

Upon our virtual meeting, I posted something about SmartWater and VitaminWater Zero and Andrea, the then brand manager, took notice, When I received a “thank you” delivery, I was psyched because I loved me some VitaminWater Zero.

We connected over health, fitness, FlyWheel and FlyBarre (she’s tough). Because what else is there in life, really?

Fast forward a few years. Andrea is now living in Jacksonville with her equally rad Husband and the cutest (and surely the future’s most fit) baby, Jaxson Michael.

Upon launching the “Boss Babes of Beauty Savant” I knew I had to reach out to Andrea. She is like, the epitome of Boss Babe in everything she does. I already know what happens next. When you are done reading this you will love her like I did and go straight to her Instagram page and it’s all over. She will be your new bestie you haven’t met yet. Just read and see:

  • Name: Andrea
  • Occupation:
    • Marketing Manager for BodyArmor
  • Beauty Philosophy:
    • Brows, mascara and a good contour can make anyone go from a 2- to a 10.
  • Best Beauty Advice received and from whom:
    • My mom, wear sunscreen. I didn’t listen… unfortunately.
  • Skincare Routine:
    • Since having the baby I have been struggling to get back on track. Right now I’m loving ZO by Obagi and a little bit of R+F too
  • Signature Fragrance:
    • Miss Dior
  • Fave mascara or lip product:
    • I’m pretty open to any pinky nude gloss- I just picked up a nude mixed brand kit from Sephora that I love!
  • Top 3 Desert Island Beauty Essentials:
    • Mascara
    • Lip Tint
    • CC cream or tinted moisturizer
  • When do YOU feel most beautiful:
    • Ha, not often but I’m a new mom so I keep hearing that comes with the territory. Believe it or not, probably after a hard workout when I feel accomplished.


  • Fave style trend: 
    • Leggings! Haha 😂


  • Girl Glamazon/Style Crush:
    • I’m loving Gwen Stefani right now. She can pull off such a timeless classic look with so much edge!
  • Tell me a little about YOU!

Outside of marketing the next biggest sports drink brand, I am a cycle and barre instructor! I’m super passionate about fitness and make sure to workout every day even if I am not teaching!

After  Spending 8 years in south Florida, my husband and I packed up and  moved to our hometown of Jacksonville to be near family. Soon after we welcomed a baby boy, Jaxson Michael, to our little family!

Catch Andrea on Instagram HERE!

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