
Let’s talk about Botox. I am 100% a fan. I mean, have you seen my forehead?

When I say Botox I am referring to all neurotoxin. Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and whatever the next will be to hit the ultra-competitive market.

15 years ago the FDA approved Onabotulinum Toxin A for Cosmetic use, named after the sausages that used to harbor the micro organisms, clostridium botulinum.

Botox has come a long way from its first use – correcting crossed eyes by relaxing overactive extraocular muscles. Used to treat migraines, bladder control issues, sweating and – my personal favorite – facial aging, commercial forms of botulinum toxin are safe and highly purified. In fact, its safety record is higher than aspirin.

Many patients – and friends – ask me “Am I too young for Botox?” And “When is the right time to start getting Botox?”

The time may be now. In fact, 64% of the AAFPRS (American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) Docs reported an increase in patients under thirty last year. Botox in itself isn’t exactly considered a preventative treatment. The effects of Botox are preventative. Totally confusing? Let me break it down for you.

A treatment is when there is an existing issue and you correct it. A preventative measure is starting treatment BEFORE there is an issue.

As you age, your skin’s collagen decreases. Continuously creasing your skin by frowning(or yelling at your husband or seeing something ridiculous your coworker does) can cause the skin to have permanent lines or wrinkles. Botox freezes your muscles. When your muscles are frozen, you are unable to crease your skin when you frown. In turn, no wrinkles! Preventing the repetitive creasing can prevent wrinkles.

There is a lot to be said for jumping on the Botox bandwagon before those lines get deep. Those lines appear at different times for different people. I was admittedly a bit nervous for my first Botox treatment(I’m the world’s worst patient…ask anyone). I had my first tiny, little bit of Botox at 31. And wow. I mean, look at those photos. Another thing to note. Botox is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. I think I had about 10 units my first time. My older patients newer to Botox need about 40 units for the same effect. If I keep up with it, I may be able to stick with that small amount as my lines will never have the chance to get that deep.

Doctors are using smaller amounts of Botox for different reasons with this younger generation. Many women request a “lifted” eyebrow – the Instagram Effect. Others have become self conscious of their RBF – resting bitch face. I get it – I’m Lebanese-Irish and sometimes I just can’t help the “look”.

Now, when a wrinkle gets too deep, it becomes permanent. That is where fillers like Juvederm and Restylane come in. Another day, another blog.

Botox has been the number one non-surgical cosmetic treatment to date since it’s release. With an increase of over 6,448% since 1997, the anticipated global Botox market for 2018 is $2.9 Billion. So cheers to you, Botox!

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